Why Positive Birth Affirmations?
You may be wondering why a woman might need positive birth affirmations. I’ll tell you…
Labor is Intense!
Childbirth is extremely hard work and probably the most intense experience women will have in their entire lives.
Prepare During Pregnancy
Part of the work of pregnancy is to prepare for the intensity of labor. Women remember their birth experience(s) for the rest of their lives. Taking the time to prepare for birth during pregnancy is an absolute necessity.
Positive Birth Affirmations
One of the ways women prepare for the intensity of birth is to use positive birth affirmations. Birth affirmations are a way to infuse your positive intentions into your daily life while pregnant.
The words we speak, especially to ourselves, are powerful. So powerful, in fact, that our words can change our lives and the lives of those around us.
How to Use Birth Affirmations
One of the ways I used birth affirmations in my pregnancy is by reciting this bible verse to myself. It was SO encouraging to read every day.
Another way I used birth affirmations was to put some on my fridge. That way, every time I opened the fridge during pregnancy I read the affirmation. It was an easy way to incorporate birth affirmations in my life.

Another way to use birth affirmations is to leave one in your vehicle. That way, every time you drive somewhere you’ll see it, read it to yourself and believe it. The more you read and say them, the more useful they will be come time to give birth.
Not All Birth Affirmations are Positive
But take care, because not all birth affirmations are positive.
By choosing to use Mother Rising’s birth affirmations, you will be guarding your heart against disappointment (and possibly much more) come postpartum.
Choose Mother Rising’s Birth Affirmations
I have created a collection of 12 stunning printable birth affirmations to empower women throughout pregnancy and childbirth. Give birth without fear and with confidence with these affirmations for pregnancy.
This product is a printable/digital product. You can print them out at home, but I highly recommend sending them to a print shop. I used Walgreen’s and it cost about $5 to print this set of beautiful, watercolor wreath printable affirmations. What a deal!
Terri Martinez
Saturday 27th of April 2019
As a energy healing practitioner, I have learned that affirmations can be very powerful especially if they are coupled with visualizations. I've also learned that in order to have a positive effect on the subconscious mind, the wording is very important. The subconscious mind only programs to the affirmative, so using negative words like not or no will not program and will instead program in the unwanted idea. So, repeating the words, "I am not alone," will actually program the message, "I am alone." Just a tidbit of infor that I actually just learned not too long ago and passing it along. Maybe instead it could be "I am supported by many people who love me." or something like that. :) I like your website, by the way. <3
Tuesday 30th of April 2019
Thanks Terri! Someone else mentioned that to me years ago. And I've also heard the story of the famous basketball player whose coach said "don't call a time out" in the last bit of the game and guess what... he called a time out. However, I've kept it as is. For whatever reason, "I am not alone" resonated with me much more than the alternative. It worked for me.