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Aromatherapy and Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy Book Review

This is a book review on Aromatherapy and Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding by Demetria Clark.

Aromatherapy and Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding
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03/20/2025 06:47 am GMT

Ladies, this book was written just for us. Demetria came over to my house, we shared some tea, and I told her what needed to be in the table of contents. She said ok, wrote the book and got it published. Ok, not really, but it SEEMS like it was written just for us.

Good for Beginner Herbalist

This is a reference book that should be on every natural mama’s nightstand and is great for someone who is new to herbal remedies. Demetria explains everything carefully from the ground up and makes the world of natural remedies so simple. Using herbal remedies does not need to be confusing or difficult!

Great Reference for Experienced Herbalists

It’s also great for someone who is familiar with herbal remedies. Personally, I would never be able to remember each and every herb that is contraindicated for childbearing mamas, which is why I will use this book as a reference.

Herbal Recipes

Also, I’m excited to try a lot of the recipes. Demetria has three herbal recipes for anemia in pregnancy! It’s always refreshing to learn more about alternative solutions for common pregnancy problems to help women feel better.

Demetria’s Book vs. Wise Woman Herbal

In my opinion, this book is better than Susun Weed’s book, Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year because:

  • Demetria’s book has very clear lists of herbs and essential oils that are or are not safe for pregnancy, labor and postpartum.
  • Aromatherapy and Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy has many, many more recipes than Susun’s book. If you’re looking for practical takeaways, you’ll probably appreciate Demetria’s book more for sure.
  • Demetria’s book covers essential oils and Susun’s book does not. This is probably because essential oils weren’t very popular when Wise Woman Herbal was published. Nevertheless, I appreciate having this more modern information on hand, since essential oils seem to be everywhere these days.
  • Demetria seems more mainstream than Susan. In general, Susun is perceived more of a “hippy” (not that there’s anything wrong with that!) and may seem less relatable to the average woman. I think relatable will help this wonderful information get into the hands of more people!
Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year
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03/20/2025 10:17 am GMT

Contains Essential Oils Breastfeeding Information

One of my favorite parts of this book is the section that explains what essential oils are safe for pregnancy, labor and breastfeeding… especially breastfeeding. Breastfeeding and essential oils are like an unknown topic on the internet. There’s definitely a lack of information on this topic and to get some solid advice is reassuring.

Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy Book ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

My biggest complaint about this book is how long the title is. 😉 It’s a doozy! However, all in all, I’m calling this Aromatherapy and Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy book by Demetria Clark a win! For parents looking to incorporate aromatherapy and herbal remedies in their childbearing experience, this book is a wonderful resource.


Thursday 4th of January 2018

Are you a member of NAHA?


Monday 16th of November 2015

Any book that offers natural tools to help through birth is a good thing. I would love to read and share.

Shannon gw

Sunday 15th of November 2015

I would love to read what this book says about herbs, but even more so about essential oils! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Heather S.

Thursday 12th of November 2015

I think this book looks like a great resource. I would love to get my hands on a copy.

Teresa Garrett

Monday 9th of November 2015

This was a great reveiw. I like that this is alot of valuable imformation in one book.