Writing my and Everly’s birth story for Mother Rising was kind of a full circle moment for me. Mother Rising is what fueled my confidence and empowered me to go for the birth experience I knew I deserved, and was capable of having despite not having too many people in my corner.
Everly’s Birth Story – A Natural Hospital Birth
I raked over “How to Labor at Home as Long as Possible” and every single post related to natural birth to develop a complete grasp on all aspects of it. I learned about making it through transition, when was the real time to get to the hospital, and so much more.
When my daughter threw me a curve ball at 37 weeks and was not in the optimal position, I even began reviewing gentle cesarean options. (Thankfully she flipped!)
I felt like the steering wheel was in my hands and I truly had a voice. Thank you so much for all of your dedication to helping other woman, for it was instrumental in this the most incredible day of my life.
6:00 AM
I awoke to contractions and began timing them, but they were not very consistent.
This was my second pregnancy, so I was more prepared in many ways with what to expect, and how I wanted this experience to be. My first birth story was very typical. Went to the hospital too soon, epidural too soon, too much pitocin, stalled labor, pushed for hours, baby wouldn’t nurse, and it was just not how you’d expect becoming a mother to look and feel.
I knew this time I would do my part to make this journey different.
1:00 PM
By 1:00 pm contractions were still not consistent so I put my toddler down for a nap. My mother-in-law arrived so my husband and I went for a walk all over our very hilly subdivision. Things were definitely picking up at this point and contractions were up to 8 minutes apart.
The most important thing for me was the playlist of my favorite music that I made. I ended up drawing the curtains in our bedroom and swaying with my music. It was a huge focus for me, and made the mood so peaceful and connected.
Ahead of time I prepared a visual that calmed me with each contraction. I could just smell and hear the ocean, and watch the waves come in to the shoreline each time. A saying I referred to in my mind was “each surge brings me closer to my baby” and it just felt joyful, as crazy as that may sound.
My husband was pretty nervous, and asked to call the midwife once we were at 7 minutes apart. She asked if I could talk through my contractions, and suggested a bath. After taking her tip, I actually felt it stalled me a bit and I was losing my own momentum.
So, I went back to my music and tuning the world out and just really focusing my energy on working as a team with my baby. Every contraction I envisioned her coming down further. Softening, opening, releasing.
A familiar wave of naseau hit me that I recalled from my previous delivery and so I timed the length of the contractions to see if it was time to go to the hospital. They were now 90 seconds long and beginning to intensify. This was my sign that it was time to head to the hospital.
As the car was pulling out of the driveway, I just began to cry. I needed the release. I felt a little as though I was surrendering some of my control to others, and I was afraid my progress would regress once I was not in my comfortable environment.
11:00 PM
However, my (and Everly’s) timing could not have been any better. It was 11:00 pm and the hospital was quiet. They said it would be roughly 45 minutes for a room, checked me and said, “Annnd you are getting a room right now!” I could hear the nurses surprised voices in the hallway saying that I was already 7 cm.
Immediately after, things intensified rapidly. I could not sit or lay for anyone or anything including putting in the hep lock, and everyone respected my wishes to remain upright and standing. We were given the only room with a jacuzzi that I had previously requested and my midwife walked into the room at the same time we did.
Filling the tub took longer than me actually being in it because after one contraction I could feel the pressure and urge to push. I walked straight to the bed and my midwife said, “You are ready.” She was right, I definitely was ready. My husband was not! Haha!
With a few more contractions (and some serious primal yelling) Everly August was born! She laid on me, and I just felt a complete euphoria in that moment. “Lost in my Mind” by The Head and the Heart was the song playing from my playlist.

“It can not be bigger than you, it is you.”
My and Everly’s birth story is one I look back at and feel proud for so many reasons. I hope sharing this positive experience will inspire other woman to go after whatever it is they would like their birth to be!
Share Your Birth Story
Want to share your story? Send it my way. (I can’t wait to read it!)

Marissa Khosh | MamaRissa.com
Wednesday 23rd of October 2019
What a special birth story! Thank you for sharing it. My philosophy is if we all shared our birth stories more openly, there would be less fear surrounding the topic.
You can read my birth story here: https://mamarissa.com/my-natural-hospital-birth-story/
Cedar Rabun
Friday 11th of January 2019
Just reading this gave me flashbacks to my births. My husband and I have decided that we are done having children, so reading your story and reliving mine makes my heart burst. Thank you for sharing it and for helping me feel joy in all I have accomplished.