When I found out I was pregnant with my third child, after the shock wore off that is, it occurred to me that this baby would be bunking with me and that I would continue to have a crib in my room for awhile.
You see, I live in a small 3 bedroom 2 bath home (also known as 1300 square feet of poorly planned 1940s architecture). We have a master bedroom, a kids room and a guestroom/office.
Basically there was no space to create a nursery, or a separate room for just this new baby. Baby’s space would be my space. And with that in mind, I decided to create a beautiful space in my bedroom that would accommodate a baby. A space that I would be happy to look at day after day, hour after hour.
Mastursery: A Nursery in Master Bedroom
And then I did what all other normal people do, I coined a term.
a room in a house that combines the functions and aesthetics of a master bedroom and nursery.

(Can we all take a moment and enjoy that photo I took above? I have a fancy camera (maybe it’s not fancy enough?), but it takes me about 100 pictures to get one I like (because I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t have time to figure it out). I apologize for the quality of the remainder of the photos. Some of them are iPhone pics and some of them are fancy camera pics. It is what it is. Or, they are what they are.)
Here’s a panoramic of my bedroom. The only thing you can’t see is the changing table. In this post about my nursery in master bedroom I’m going to break each space down and show you what I liked about it and where I bought it. Let’s get started!

I love white furniture, trim and accents. The white against the dark chocolate walls combined with the large windows help make this room great. My duvet used to be plain white, which I loved, but proved to be difficult to maintain with children.
- The bedspread is from Steinmart.

This is the corner by the bathroom door.
- The print “Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly” came from Etsy. (Micah 6:8 is the verse I chose for Mercy by the way. Her life verse. It’s what inspired her first name!)
- The fabric I bought from a local store called Chrysalis.
- The bird hook I got years ago at Joann Fabrics.
- The frame came from Hobby Lobby.
- The basket (from a thrift store) holds my favorite Aiden + Anais blankets (from Amazon). So soft!
- The shelf and baskets, if you haven’t guessed already, are from IKEA. I ♥ IKEA. In the baskets I have an extra diaper bag and pullups for my 2/3 year old.
- Below the baskets I have my double electric Medela breastpump, board games and a bumbo tray. Because obviously, baby might need to play Sorry! on a moment’s notice.
- Lastly, I have a Rock ‘n Play. I used this quite a bit when Mercy was tiny because I heard newborns slept really well in these things. I could never fully relax while she was sleeping in it at night because my bed was higher than hers so therefore I had to move the Rock ‘n Play away from my bed because I was afraid a pillow might accidentally fall, suffocating her and she’d die. The mind of a postpartum mom is exhausting. Despite all that, I still use it at 6 months postpartum, mainly when I’m taking a shower. Mercy tolerates it while I take my weekly shower. ha

- The cart. Oh, the cart. I’m obsessed with the IKEA Raskog cart. They are here and there on my Pinterest boards and I have two of them in my home. I would have more, but my husband would kill me. They’re only $30 these days at IKEA, however, I think they’re phasing them out. SOB. When Mercy was a newborn, on the cart I stored lots of newborn diapers, wipes, blankets/burp rags, snacks and drinks for easy access.
- The bird art is from Hobby Lobby.
- The rocking chair is from Cracker Barrel. It isn’t the quietest and most comfortable of rocking chairs out there, but I already had it. I’m a fan of re-purposing things around the home.
- I made the orange crocheted blanket.

- The wall art all came from Hobby Lobby.
- The crib is an old crib from Target. They make the cutest cribs.
- The white sheet is also from Target. It’s the sheet I put on when I’m washing Mercy’s Aiden + Anais sheets. The A+A sheets are SO soft.
- The breathable bumper is from Target too.
- The dust ruffle was made by my mother who lovingly spent many hours wrestling with an old bed-skirt I had from K-Mart’s Martha Stewart’s linen line. Thanks mom!
SIDE NOTE: If you’re curious about my pics for a natural baby registry, hop on over here and check it out!

- In front of the crib is a white fluffy rug. As impracticle as a white fluffy rug with three children is, I just HAD to have it. And I love it. I got it at Target.
- The frame came from a big ‘ol mirror that broke. I saved the remains, painted it and made it into a huge chalkboard (I used chalkboard paint). It’s heavy. I change the verse a few times of the year, depending on what’s on my mind. I wrote this before I had Mercy when thinking about the task at hand (not birth, but having three kids and one of them a baby)
- I have the Levana video monitor (on the dresser) and love it.
- The dresser is from IKEA and I have really enjoyed it. I don’t let anybody put anything on top of it. Must. Protect. The. Nice. Things.
- I also have a space heater and dehumidifier in my room. I live in Florida in an old house and I have moisture issues. The dehumidifier helps out a lot!

- In the other corner I have my changing table which I bought off someone on Craigslist. I wish it were white. 😉
- At the top I have a chalkboard I got at Hobby Lobby.
- To the right I have a spice rack (turned upside down) that I got from IKEA. On that shelf I have Lusa Organics Wipe Juice, Erbaviva’s cradle cap oil and other miscellaneous.
- Then I have the changing table pad and cover.
- The white baskets are from the Dollar Tree. I love them! They make storing things in that open space look clean. They house some of my cloth diapers.
- The stool is from Joanne’s.
- The wetbag hanging on the door is by Planet Wise.

- In the top drawer are more bins from the Dollar Tree. They fit PERFECTLY in my drawer. As you can see, I fold and put away Mercy’s clothes perfectly. We are so perfect. 😉

- As far as breastfeeding pillows go, frankly I don’t use them. I use that big green pillow and my bed pillows and it works out SO much better than the My Brest Friend or a Boppy.

So there’s my Mastursery: A Nursery in Master Bedroom! I love this room and I am happily spending hours and hours of time feeding and taking care of my baby, Mercy. Lately, we’ve been partying at night too. What fun! ::)
The days are long, but the years are short. Here’s proof (This is my oldest child, Gabriel, who is 6. He used to be a baby!!):

Friday 15th of April 2016
What a great read! Made me giggle and I can relate :) We will be creating a mastersery for our 3rd child as well! Thanks!