Looking for morning sickness gift ideas to create a care package or gift basket for a loved one? Morning sickness can be extremely challenging, especially if it isn’t in the morning but all-day sickness that extends well beyond the first trimester. It’s no surprise that women begin to feel discouraged and depressed, no matter how excited they are to be having a baby. Whether she just found out she’s pregnant or further on and struggling with all-day sickness, use the following ideas to show love, concern, and practical help.

On This Page
8 minute read
↓Gummy Prenatal Vitamins
↓Morning Sickness Drinks for a Gift Basket
↓Morning Sickness Snack for a Gift Basket
↓2 Books for Morning Sickness Gifts
↓Morning Sickness Filler Gifts
↓Morning Sickness Gifts for the Home
22 Morning Sickness Gift Ideas
The smartest morning sickness tips lean heavily towards strategies revolving around staying hydrated and fed with food specifically chosen for morning sickness relief.
Gummy Prenatal Vitamins
Believe it or not, traditional prenatal vitamins can trigger the gag reflex and lead to vomiting. If this is the case, a perfect gift is a bottle of gummy prenatal vitamins for her to try. This prenatal vitamin alternative is a great solution when going through the roughest parts of “morning sickness”.
Morning Sickness Drinks for a Gift Basket
Vomiting due to morning sickness leads to dehydration, which ironically will make her feel more nauseous. It’s a vicious cycle. Therefore, morning sickness gifts that encourage hydration are a perfect choice. Here are a few of my favorite gifts to keep her hydrated!
Water Bottle
Of course, any water bottle will do, but it’s a sweet gesture to give her the water bottle she has her eye on. Currently, Stanleys are all the rage! Figure out her favorite color and give it as the perfect morning sickness gift.
Liquid IV Hydration Sticks
Dehydration during pregnancy is a big no-no, so if she’s struggling to stay hydrated these liquid IV hydration sticks are the perfect gift. Give these with a water bottle or use them as a filler in a gift basket!
Ginger Ale
Ginger ale or sprite can help settle an upset stomach. Ship a case to a new parent, or put a few in a gift basket for a thoughtful gift. She’ll be happy to have these on hand.
Earth Mama Tea
Earth Mama is one of my favorite brands and have a lovely tea that new parents love. If she likes to drink tea, a box of this ginger nausea tea would be a perfect gift.
Morning Sickness Snacks for a Gift Basket
Having the right snacks ready to go is an important strategy for combating the symptoms of morning sickness. Eating foods high in protein and nutrients is the goal, but sometimes bland carbohydrates are the onramp to get to that point. Here are some foods that other parents found helpful during the first trimester.
Peanut Butter + Pretzels/Crackers
These peanut butter crackers are tasty and handy, but any form of nut butter and a pretzel or cracker does just fine too. Some find the individual squeeze packs of peanut butter (below) to be the perfect solution.
Saltine Crackers
Sometimes a sleeve of plain ‘ol saltine crackers settles the stomach just right. These are perfect to put on a nightstand to eat before getting out of bed, or to put in the purse for when out of the house.
Yummy Soup
I love Lotus Foods’ ramen soups. They’re simple, tasty, and easy. I like to eat it in a large mug when at work. 🙂 A perfect morning sickness gift is her favorite soup or a simple/bland soup.
2 Books for a Morning Sickness Gift Basket
Morning sickness is very challenging emotionally. Parents want to feel excited for baby, but feeling horrible week after week puts a damper on the excitement. The following two books are a perfect addition to a morning sickness gift basket or care package. One is funny, and the other is full of practical advice for when going through a difficult time.
How to Keep House While Drowning
This book is a perfect morning sickness gift for parents struggling with their normal day to day tasks. It’s small, easy to read, and full of very practical advice that’s perfect for the first trimester, but can also be helpful during the postpartum transition as well. This book would fit perfectly in a small gift basket for the first trimester.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this book for the postpartum experience, especially when multiple children are involved.
There Are Moms Way Worse Than You
If the intended recipient of the morning sickness gift basket has a sense of humor and needs a good laugh, the book There are Moms Way Worse Than You is the perfect addition. This book is geared towards expectant and postpartum parents, is hysterical, and actually quite interesting! Check it out!
Morning Sickness Filler Gifts
The following are the perfect filler gifts for someone struggling with morning sickness that can easily fit into a purse. One of the worst times to be hit with a wave of morning sickness nausea or vomiting is when out and about. Having a few morning sickness essentials on hand can really make a difference in a tricky situation.
Mints or Lozenges
Ginger has been shown to reduce nausea, so many women struggling with morning sickness find things like ginger mints to be helpful. However, any kind of mint or candy to suck on would be helpful as well. If she has a favorite type of mint, that would be perfect! These Stomach Settle drops have great reviews on Amazon!
Ginger Gum
Similarly, ginger gum can be helpful to stop nausea in its tracks. Any gum will do, but if she likes the taste of ginger this anti-nausea gum would be perfect to slip in the purse for when out of the house.
Travel Toothbrush Kit
Juuuuuust in case, it’s helpful to have a way to clean and freshen the mouth if needed. There’s nothing worse than the taste of vomit sitting in the mouth. Get that nasty taste out of the mouth quickly no matter what the location with this simple kit.
Moisturizing Lip Balm
Any lip balm, chapstick, or lip gloss would be a perfect gift for someone in the first trimester. This lip balm, however, is super moisturizing and helps mamas feel pampered.
Disposable Vomit Bags
Ok, so these vomit bags aren’t the cutest, but they are so incredibly helpful for someone struggling with morning sickness. I love these things because it makes cleanup neat and tidy – just twist it and throw it away. Vomit is gone! These are perfect to keep in the car so vomiting on the side of the road doesn’t need to happen. 😉
Lemon Essential Oil
Smelling a lemon is very helpful for those moments when SOMETHING is needed to keep from throwing up. Since it’s not very practical to carry a knife and lemon when running errands, this lovely little bottle of lemon essential oil is a perfect solution. Sniff it straight out of the bottle, or putting a few drops on a cotton ball works great.
Evian Facial Spray
I love this little facial spray! It’s exactly what it sounds like – an aerosol mist of water for the face. It’s perfect for women in the first trimester struggling with morning sickness to help them feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and cool. Best of all, it fits perfectly in the purse!
Morning Sickness Gifts for the Home
The following are a few morning sickness gift ideas for the home, which also work great for a gift basket.
Ultrasound Picture Frame
When in the trenches with morning sickness it’s easy to forget about the joys of pregnancy. An ultrasound picture frame is a perfect way to celebrate the whole reason why new parents aren’t feeling so great! Baby!
A Good Smelling Candle
I always found it helpful to find ways to make my house smell wonderful while dealing with morning sickness. You would be surprised at how many women find their own homes to be a trigger of their morning sickness symptoms! Candles are a perfect solution and a great idea for a morning sickness gift basket.
Essential Oil Diffuser
If she’s more into essential oils than candles, a diffuser is the perfect morning sickness gift! Nothing is more soothing and refreshing than the wonderful smells of essential oils wafting through the home. If looking for essential oil recommendations, lavender, lemon, and sweet orange essential oils are my go-to’s for morning sickness.
Want More?
For more morning sickness tips, information, and advice head on over to Mother Rising’s morning sickness archives!