Walmart has not paid me to write this. All thoughts and opinions are mine… But seriously, Walmart, feel free to pay me for writing this Walmart Grocery Pickup review. Ahem.
A Walmart Grocery Pickup Review
I first heard about the Walmart Grocery Pickup this year via the internets. I quickly went online to see if the service was offered in my area… and it was not. Through Walmart’s website I signed up to get notifications once the service was available in my area.
This month, Walmart Grocery Pickup emailed me and let me know that it was available in Tallahassee. Woohoo! They even gave me a $10 off $50 coupon. Even better, right?
Here is my Walmart Grocery Pickup review, which includes a play-by-play of my experience using the service for the first time. It was not what I expected!
The first thing you need to do is login or create an account. While doing this you’ll also verify that this service is offered in your area.

Add Groceries to Cart
The next thing you need to do is add groceries to your cart. It’s pretty simple.

Go nuts.

After you’ve added all the food and other miscellaneous to your cart (I bought a hose and hairclips) click on “Check out”.

Choose your pickup location and pickup time.

Review and Choose Substitutions
Here’s where next time I would do things differently…
See those green checks to the right of each item (in the photo below)? What that means is that if they are out of that particular item they will choose a substitution for me.
Three things were substituted in my order – cherry tomatoes, chicken broth and hairclips.
The morning of my pickup day I got a call from a Walmart associate apologizing that they were out of a particular item and asking if xyz was ok instead.
- For my cherry tomatoes, instead of the organic I ordered they gave me conventional, but yellow, cherry tomatoes.
- For the chicken broth, instead of the organic Pacific Natural Foods brand, they gave me 2 Sams Choice organic bone broths (for the price of one).
- The haircips actually looked the same to me, so I’m not sure what went on there.
*If they do substitute something they will always have you pay the least expensive price.
If I were to do it again, I think I would just not have them do substitutions. I think that will keep things simpler.

Pickup Day
Pickup day was exciting for me! I tried to get my kids excited about it too. My seven year old thought I was being weird.
Me: Son, aren’t you excited about going to Walmart and the workers doing the grocery shopping for us??
Kid: Sure.
Thanks, kid.
That afternoon I got a call reminding me about pickup instructions and to let me know my groceries would be ready to be picked up at the scheduled time. They wanted me to call them about 15 minutes before I arrived.

I chose my pickup time to be 3 – 4 pm. I chose that because I have to pickup my son at 3 pm and I knew that right after that I could easily swing by Walmart. Normally, I wouldn’t go grocery shopping right after pickup but I thought I could manage having someone do it for me. 😉
Here we are in the pickup line. My daughter was excited! She didn’t know why though!

So after I got my son I called Walmart and told them I was on my way. They were super overly-polite on the phone. If my northern relatives heard them, they would be suspicious. They were SO polite and SO gracious.
While I was driving to Walmart I was wondering exactly how easy it would be to figure out where to go. I pulled into the parking lot and what do I see? Orange signs telling me which way to go. Easy! I like easy.
I followed the signs to the side of the building. I parked in one of the parking spots.

After I parked I called the number (the same number I called to let them know I was on my way) and let them know I was here and where I was parked. Not that anybody else was in this parking lot with me. But, I thought I’d just try to be helpful.
And then I waited about 3 minutes. And I found myself getting impatient. And then I thought how ridiculous I was being because someone was about to bring my groceries out to my car for me. ‘Merica.

And then this blue vested angel showed up at my window bearing gifts. He brought a cold water and random food samples I would never normally eat or buy.

My son thought the samples were amazing. By giving him snacks they won him over. However, I bet when we come next time and there are no gift-snacks, he’ll feel disappointed. LOL!
(Side note: In my bag of samples there was this seemingly random can of chickpeas. I laughed when I saw it. A can of beans? How weird! Turns out it is for this hummus mix that you put in a blender or food processor. Ooohhhh.)

After I explained my weird behavior (taking his picture) to this blue vested angel (that I’m a blogger and will be blogging about my experience) he disappeared into Walmart and reappeared only to give me more gifts.
Flowers? What is this Walmart-blue-vested magic spell I’ve been put under?

Meanwhile, my daughter fell asleep and missed this whole experience. If I was actually going grocery shopping I would have had to wake her up. And we all know how well grocery shopping works after you wake up a three year old from too short of a nap. (Thank you Walmart Grocery Pickup for preventing a public meltdown! Woohoo!)
While he was waiting, my son read some of his book he’s reading for school. Yay!
The baby, on the other hand, whined the whole time. She was probably the least happy about the curbside service. (See? I’m not the only one feeling impatient while someone else grocery shops for me AND loads it in my vehicle. LOL!)

This is the lady that shopped and loaded my groceries (see below). I forgot to get a picture of her face. She’s probably grateful.
And whoa… did you see Richard’s tattoos? He’s so cool. We’re best friends now. Except he wouldn’t tell me his last name. He said his name was “just Rich”.
*FYI you are not allowed to help Walmart employees load the groceries in your vehicle. (I’ve totally done this though and nobody stopped me.)
*FYI you are not allowed to tip Walmart employees for loading the groceries in your vehicle.

Rich said that they hand picked everything to make sure it was the best. He also said that if I wanted my bananas to be more or less green next time to just let them know. They were perfectly yellow. Not brown or green.
After they loaded everything up, they gave me a receipt on regular paper, were overly thankful and polite (I’m not complaining… it was really sweet!) and I headed on home.
At Home
Once I got home, I brought everything inside and checked things out.
(But first, I ran to the bathroom and peed. And while I was there I thought to myself that if I actually went grocery shopping I would have had to drag all three kids to the bathroom with me. And that by using the Walmart Grocery Pickup service I avoided the whole “Walmart bathroom” experience. I’m so grateful.)
Some bags had stickers on them that said “substitution” or “fragile”. The bread was labeled fragile and the items substituted were labeled too.

Here’s most everything I bought, except for the hose and hairclips. The butternut squash isn’t from Walmart… just ignore that. Hiding in the pile is a thing of spring mix, fresh dill and mushrooms. I paid $48 after my $10 coupon. What a deal!
Here’s my order summary, but not necessarily what I got (because of substitutions).
Order summary: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Walmart Grocery Pickup Review
I LOVED the Walmart Grocery Pickup service. LOVED it. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
It was so simple, saved me at least an hour of time, allowed me to avoid public restrooms with my three kids AND my three year old got to take a nap which she desperately needed (but refused to do at home).
I will absolutely use this service again. I even will buy my meat there (Costco! Get on board with this pickup thing, ok?) because they have grass-fed beef and free range chicken.
Walmart Grocery Pickup has forever changed my life. Hallelujah and amen.
(Side Note: I think this curbside pickup service would be PERFECT for going on vacation. “Grocery shop” online while driving to the destination, schedule a pickup time and bam, vacation grocery shopping is done. More time at the pool and less time at Walmart. Perfect.)
UPDATE 5/2018
I’ve used this service a bajillion times since I wrote this post. I’m still generally pleased with this service. Here are some thoughts…
- The “search” function on needs some help. For example, if I type in “organic” not everything they sell that’s organic pops up. Walmart, you’re missing out here.
- Product photos are small which makes it difficult to decide to buy a product or not. Walmart, you could do so much better!
- I’ve used this service when out of town on vacation. Other stores have more products than mine. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
- A few times I’ve rejected an item at pickup, but was charged for it on my final bill. I called customer service at (800) 924-9206 and they resolved the issue quickly. Wait times were negligible. One time, for my inconvenience, they even gave me a $15 coupon for a future order!
- Sometimes even if I choose “no substitutions” I am given a substituted item anyways. Sometimes I’m ok with it, sometimes I’m not. I’m happy with that because sometimes I’m pleasantly surprised with that they give me.
- I love that they give me the lower price if an item is substituted. Sometimes I come out majorly winning in these scenarios. 😉
Leave a Comment
Have you used this service? Leave a comment with your own Walmart Grocery Pickup review and let us know how it went for you!
Friday 1st of November 2019
Lindsay, I am totally with you. My first experience was so incredible. I generally do my shopping payday Fridays and I make several stops so I have the rest of the weekend for other things. Once my shopping was complete I would arrive home between 8:30 and 9:30 PM! So for my first experience I estimated how long my other stops would take and scheduled my pickup for between 6 and 7 PM. I was HOME by 7 PM! So at the very minimum I saved 90 minutes!
Since that initial experience I have been inside a Walmart store about 6 times, that's in 18 months!!!!!!!! They tell you about substitutions and missing items and I have never experienced not getting a credit for something that was missing from my order or that I didn't like the substitution.
Last week I ordered 12 of the 10 ounce Marie Callendar's Chicken Pot Pies (mostly for lunches, don't you love those things?) They were out of the 10 ounce pies at $2 ea and gave me 12 of the 15 ounce pies at the cost of the 10 ounce! That was 12 - 15 ounce pies for $24 as opposed to $31.56. Another time I ordered a quart of Great Value Half & Half and received a half gallon of Land of Lakes Half & Half for the price of the Great Value quart!
I'm with you! I LOVE Walmart Grocery Pick-up! And no, they didn't pay me to say that!
Tuesday 3rd of September 2019
I've used the Walmart pick up service once a week since early 2018, or in other words, about a year and a half or around 75 times. My orders are generally half a dozen bags, about $80 - $100 worth, so nothing too big or complicated. The service is convenient so I've kept using it in spite of the following ongoing aggravations:
1. They are consistently "out of stock" on at least a few things when I go to pick up my order, even though the ordering system said those things were "in stock" when I placed the order. I would guess I have received everything I ordered with no "out of stock" items maybe only 10% of the times I have used this service.
2. In the beginning they were pretty good about offering substitutions for "in stock" items that you ordered but for some reason turned out to be "out of stock" when you come to pick up the order, but several months ago they seem to have stopped offering substitutions. For the past several months if I order an "in stock" item and when they pull the order they don't have it, the order filler looked in the wrong place, whatever, I just don't get those items. No substitutions offered. That is particularly aggravating if it was one or more items that you really needed, because that means you have to pull your car around to the front of the store, park, go it, and get your own substitutions. That defeats the whole purpose of the grocery pickup system. It happened so often now that I half-jokingly refer to it as the "grocery pick-up then pull around, park your car, go in, and get your own substitutions for the crap they didn't give you" service. Catchy.
3. Last year, when they screwed up an order, were out of stuff the system had let me order because it was supposed to be in stock, they were a little slow bringing the stuff out, etc., they were very apologetic and always offered a $10 or similar coupon, although I quickly realized the coupons they handed out could not be used for the grocery service, they were for orders only, which I don't use. Anyway, for the last several months, they don't offer anything for their screw ups. You're just out of luck. In general, when I first started using the service in early 2018, they seemed like they were trying harder in general, being very friendly, handing out snacks and etc., when I picked up the order, but all of that went away. They also seem to have a much higher turnover in the pick-up service employees the past several months vs. last year.
4. My worst experience so far was a few weeks ago when they couldn't find my order, then they decided it had gotten put back on the shelf for some reason and they'd have to re-pull it. They told me it'd take about a half an hour but I'd get a $10 off as compensation. I told myself yeah, it'll probably a worthless (to me) coupon, but I never got it. It took 45 minutes for them to re-pull the order, and when they brought it out it was a different employee than the one who had promised a compensation coupon, and the new girl didn't know what I was talking about. She went back inside to check on the coupon and didn't come back out. I waited another ten minutes, gave up and left.
These issues are what brought me online to do some reading of reviews to see if my experiences and observations about the service are unusual. I plan on still using the service because so far the convenience outweighs the self-defeating aggravations, but not by much.
Wednesday 29th of May 2019
The substitutions suck., no way to correct or turn them off. Just have to order again and see if you are lucky or not. Pain in The ass
Tuesday 23rd of April 2019
I just used this service for the first time but for delivery rather than pick up. I loved it and will do it again. You can pick the day and time you want it delivered and they will bring it right to your door. I don't have a car so with this service now I can buy everything I need without worrying about how I'm going to get it home. They did substitute one item for something totally different but I don't mind. I ordered generic Belvita type breakfast bars and they sent me Quaker oat squares which are not the same thing. Still I always wanted to try the oat squares but they are more expensive so I wouldn't normally have bought them and as they don't charge you extra when they substitute, I was able to try something different without spending more. My husband is diabetic so in the future for his stuff I will request no substitution just to be safe. All in all, I'm very happy with this service and plan to use it often.
Robin Saleem
Friday 29th of March 2019
I’ve used Walmart pickup very often and love it. However I just noticed on my receipt there’s a subtotal, pickup fee (free), sales tax, bottle fee and a “total fee”. I never noticed it before. Some of my orders there was no bottle fee assuming because I didn’t buy soda etc. if I had a “total fee” it was a small amount. Today however my “total fee” was $12!!! No bottle fee which I think there should of been because we got soda. I called the number on the bottom of the email, they didn’t know what the fee was for either so decided to refund me $12. But seriously what is this fee?!?