In case you don’t follow me on Instagram or Facebook (and if that’s the case you’re really out of the loop) you missed a big ‘ol announcement last week!
Part of October and most of November I was quite silent on social media and the blog. I was so tired, working a TON but also getting over the SHOCK of finding out I was pregnant.
Yup, that’s right. I’m pregnant! (Oh my gosh! Nope, we didn’t see that one coming. Another blog post perhaps?)
Here’s the photo I uploaded to social media to tell everybody.
Just for fun, check out a previous pregnancy announcement here and here. The third time around (the photo above) I had no energy to take a family picture. I think it worked out just find don’t you?
I do apologize, dear readers, but I honestly didn’t have a spare moment to put something on my blog about it – for Pete’s sake… Dealing with morning sickness, working more than usual, fatigue and the laundry monster over taking my home, blogging went way down on the priority list. But I’m feeling slightly better, Thanksgiving is out of the way and I am very excited to share this exciting and scary journey with you. I’m hoping that I can get back to blogging at least once per week and also sending out regular newsletters.
In the mean time here are some updates and announcements.
- In a recent blog post entitled 14 very early pregnancy symptoms I was totally blogging about myself 😉
- I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and everything looked good. Right now I’m using an OBGYN/CNM just like last time. I’m hoping to switch to my homebirth midwife if everything looks ok (I have that pesky MTHFR).
- I’m spotting. As usual. Ugh.
My FREE eBook Morning Sickness Remedies has been amazingly helpful. I use it as a reference guide. I have felt WAY better this go-around than in previous pregnancies. I still feel it, it hasn’t gone away, but I feel pretty good a lot of the time. I’m completely functioning. Yay!
- I look like I’m 20 weeks pregnant. I started telling people very early because I LOOKED pregnant. Yeah, can’t hide this belly. This picture is a 10 week pregnant belly taken a few days ago on thanksgiving.
- I gave away all my maternity clothes and baby gear. Ha! Jokes on me. (Don’t worry, the clothes have started coming in. God provides!)
That’s all for now. I can’t wait to share more with you very soon!
Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog and my email newsletter. Don’t miss the details! (Check the upper right hand corner)
Talk to you soon,
Tuesday 2nd of December 2014
Blessings to you Lindsay! Congratulations! Thank you for being such a special angel at my birth :)