Are you looking for a fun way to celebrate Halloween during your pregnancy? Do the scary pregnant Halloween costumes freak you out? Look no further than my favorite 19 FUN pregnant Halloween costumes! Let’s get started! (Pssst there are links below every costume to buy each costume piece!)
22 Fun Pregnant Halloween Costumes

I’m Preggo
Nothing says you’re knocked up like a jar of prego spaghetti sauce! This is a fun twist on it for a couples pregnant halloween costume.

Image courtesy of @claireandrade
Tip: Here’s a similar Prego costume apron and black shirt, along side a white chef’s hat and apron.
The Farmer
I think this is my favorite costume on this page. “The farmer who only comes to the ag meetings for the coffee, pie and gossip.” So hilarious!!

Image courtesy of erica_renaud!
Tip: Here’s a John Deere hat and suspenders. Have fun!
The Pumpkin
There are so many ways to rock the pumpkin maternity Halloween costume. You could keep it simple like the lady below did. Or you could step it up a notch and decorate your belly with orange paint like a pumpkin! Have a partner? Have them dress up like a farmer. SO CUTE!
Image courtesy of DeliaCreates.
Tip: Here’s the shirt, black sticky felt, and a bow on Amazon! Done!
Fortune Teller
I love all the details with this one. With the headscarf, makeup, jewelry, nails, outfit and painted belly – she nailed it!

Image courtesy of reginavillano_
TIP: Here’s a cute hip scarf with a necklace and earrings!
Baseball Theme Couples Costume
This costume is a cute baseball themed couples costume! This couple went with the Cubs, but you could do your favorite team.

Image courtesy of angela.rumer
TIP: Here’s a cute baseball belly maternity shirt and some white striped socks.
Super Uterus!
My dear friend Kristy MADE her Super Uterus costume. Isn’t she crafty?? She even made a headband with her uterus symbol. She’s amazing. Hop on over to her blog for the DIY instructions!
Images courtesy of WhereDoButterfliesSleep.
An Animal
Why would you not dress up as a bird sitting on a blue egg? I can’t stop looking at this photo….
Image courtesy of Pinterest.
TIP: Here’s the turquoise tank, white long sleeve shirt, white feather boa, white feather bird mask, and bale of hay. Done!
Melissa @Chessmen and Coffee NAILED this Winnie the Pooh pregnancy Halloween costume. She even got her man to dress up as Christopher Robin!

Image courtesy of ChessmenAndCoffee.
TIP: Here’s a hunny pot and the foundation for the costume on Amazon!
What better way to celebrate both the joys of pregnancy AND Halloween? By dressing up as food, of course. Here’s a fried egg. If you wanted your partner to dress up too, have him dress as bacon! So funny.
Image courtesy of MyHomemadeHome.
TIP: Here’s the yellow tank top and white long sleeve shirt on Amazon!
Here’s an avocado! What would a good partner costume be? Chips? A lime?
Image courtesy of Imgur.
TIP: Here’s the brown long sleeve shirt on Amazon.
This pregnant oyster takes the cake I think.

Image courtesy of ConeyIsland.
TIP: Here’s the vintage feather hat, metallic top, silver shorts, white thigh highs, silver dress gloves, and large pearl costume earrings on Amazon!
A Teenager
Ever see the movie Juno? This couple did an AMAZING job dressing up as the teenage duo. A friend of mine dressed up as a teenage beauty queen for Halloween when she was pregnant. So funny!
Image courtesy of TheSpoiledMama.
TIP: Here’s the men’s Juno costume, orange and white stripped shirt, plaid skirt, and black hoodie on Amazon.
A Fictional Character
Captain Hook and Smee!
One of my favorites on this page is villain Captain Hook and (pregnant) sidekick Smee. So fun!

Image courtesy of shelbyzibetti._.
TIP: Here’s the Captain Hook Costume and the Smee slouchy hat.
Little Red Riding Hood
Rock your bump as little red riding hood! Dress in all black, DIY a red, hooded cloak, red lipstick and a basket of apples. DONE! The woman below is flawless, no?
Image courtesy of Flawssy.
TIP: Here’s the red hooded cape, form-fitting black maternity dress, and basket on Amazon!
What do you think about this pregnant witch? The cauldron placement is hysterical, don’t you think?
Image courtesy of Pinterest.
TIP: Here’s the witch’s hat, black cape, short black maternity dress, witch’s broom, witch’s shoes, and cauldron on Amazon!
Thor and Sad Thor
I give you Thor… and sad Thor. LOL! I love this so much. You literally only need to roll out of bed and put a beard on. Amazing.

Image courtesy of megbertsmacros.
TIP: Here’s the original Thor t-shirt, Thor’s hammer, and cape. And here’s a beard… and I think you can do the rest of that costume on your own 😉
A Redneck

One of my favorite pregnant Halloween costumes has got to be the redneck. The woman below nailed it. All ya gotta do is wear a wife beater that doesn’t fit, carry around a weapon, cigarette or beer, and put on some flannel. Done!
Image courtesy of OhDeeDoh.
TIP: Here’s the white tank undershirt, plaid shirt, and trucker hat on Amazon!
The Housewife
I just love these two housewife pregnant Halloween costumes. Have your partner dress up as the milkman!
Image courtesy of TheSpoiledMama.
TIP: Here’s the milkman costume, a cute 50s style apron you could wear with a black polkadot sweater.
This lady is gorgeous with her 50s housewife look!
Image courtesy of PrettyLittleStache.
TIP: Here’s an adorable red half-apron, with a black high-waisted pencil skirt, and the white collared black dot shirt, which would just be tucked in right above the bump.
This couple ROCKED Mary and Joseph. I love her horse. And her perfectly curled hair.
Image courtesy of UKPinterest.
TIP: Here’s the horse (of course), a biblical-esque costume for him, and then one for her, although I’m sure you could go far with some bedsheets from Goodwill if you wanted.
Here’s a pregnant nun and her priest. (Shout out to all my catholic family. In my defense my aunt gave me the idea! LOL!)

Image courtesy of Pinterest
TIP: Here’s a nun costume and a priest costume from Amazon. LOL!
Pregnant Emoji Halloween Costume
Here’s a fun pregnant Halloween costume that’s a sign of the times! The pregnant woman emoji. What a simple and hilarious costume. LOL!

Image courtesy of Shelby Gibbs De Jesus/Instagram.
Tip: Here’s the purple maternity shirt from Amazon!
Where’s Waldo?
Check out this adorable Where’s Waldo pregnant Halloween costume.
Image courtesy of C.R.A.F.T.
TIP: Here’s the Where’s Waldo hat, Waldo shirt, and red and white felt.
Want More?
So there’s my favorite pregnant Halloween costumes. Didn’t see what you want? Check out my list of scary Halloween costume ideas for even more inspiration! Here’s a fall pregnancy bucket list for you too!
(This is what happens when you try to celebrate Halloween in Florida… a rotting, molding pumpkin. It’s kinda creepy and cool though.)
Thursday 24th of October 2024
Hey I was loving your post until the pregnant nun costume. Trying to say politely that it makes fun of Catholics in a way we have to deal with every Halloween. Otherwise great, thanks! Loved the Waldo.
Sunday 16th of October 2016
Would love to post a photo of last year's costume but I don't know how! My sister and I were pregnant at the same time so we did a pair costume: a pair of boobs!! Big round bellies side by side with painted nipples, looked awesome
Lindsey Morrow
Sunday 16th of October 2016
Email me! lindsey at motherrisingbirth dot com.
Wednesday 21st of September 2016
These ideas are so clever and hilarious! Thanks for featuring my Pooh costume. We're considering doing the same thing this year (sans pregnant belly) and dressing up our baby as Piglet. We shall see! (I'll post whatever we do decide on).
Lindsey Morrow
Wednesday 21st of September 2016
Piglet? I die. Adorable. Can't wait to see!