I have NEVER read a book like this before! If you are an athlete you are in for a treat!
The Pregnant Athlete is written to the athletic woman that becomes pregnant and wants to continue her intense exercise routines. Exercising is a major part of who this woman is!
In my current stage of life I would not consider myself an athlete, but I used to be in high school and college. I played lacrosse and was on the wrestling team and I LOVED it. Once team sports exited my life, so did my interest in athletics. What a shame!
I will say after having read this book I am…
- Inspired to make exercise a priority in my life (pregnant or not!). Pregnant athletes that can kick some butt are inspiring!
- Also, I am excited to pass on this awesome information to my childbirth class students and doula clients that cross my path. I have worked with triathletes, bikers, runners, CrossFitters, exercise class instructors, etc. They would EAT this book up. Without further ado… here’s my review!
The Pregnant Athlete Book Review
Title: The Pregnant Athlete
Author: Brandi Dion & Steven Dion, EdD
Published: 2014 by Da Capo Press
What I loved:
One of the things that makes The Pregnant Athlete stand apart is the exercise instructions that include amazing photos. I am a visual learner and the pages and pages of instructions with fantastic photos help so much to describe the exercises and movements outlined in the book. Oh, and guess what? The models in the photos are pregnant. If you’re looking for a visual on how a pregnant woman might do a sledgehammer tire slam tabata or box jumps, this book has it.
What I liked:
I really enjoyed reading the inspirational stories sprinkled throughout The Pregnant Athlete written by athletes who competed or trained while pregnant. Not only did these stories make me want to go for a run, it kept my attention and kept me turning the pages. I also really liked how the book was organized. Each stage and month of the childbearing year got its own chapter – preconception, month 1-9 of pregnancy, and postpartum. Each chapter had interesting pregnancy information but always in the context of exercise. Well done!
What I hated:
If I had to change one thing about The Pregnant Athlete I would have appreciated more childbirth preparation information and birth stories from other athletes. I think it would have been fun to hear what other athletes found helpful to prepare for giving birth, how they gave birth and what their recovery was like postpartum. But maybe that’s just the childbirth educator in me ;).
What this book is:
The Pregnant Athlete is for the woman who takes her exercising seriously and is a part of her lifestyle. This book shatters the misinformation about how pregnant women should only participate in “brisk walking” or “prenatal yoga”.
What this book is not:
The Pregnant Athlete is not for the woman who just found out she is pregnant and wants to start intense exercise (which is not recommended by the way!). The type of exercise this woman would benefit from is a prenatal yoga dvd like this. And brisk walking. 😉
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